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Plectranthus oertendahlii

8th January 2006 8th January 2006 31st October 2014
Photographed at Wisley.
A plant that fills me with nostalgia - I grew it as a child. Tough enough as a houseplant, it dislikes cold wet conditions. Small white flowers are a pretty but not spectacular addition in summer.
A rare plant in habitat in wooded river valleys in KwaZulu Natal and Pondoland, South Africa. Described originally in 1924 from plants growing in cultivation in Sweden. It isn't known how it got to Sweden in the first place and wasn't collected again from the wild until 1977 when Ernst van Jaarsveld from Kirstenbosch rediscovered it. The original "Swedish Ivy" looks like my plant, but more silvery leaved forms have since been introduced.