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Plumbago auriculata

Archive entry 01.09.13

21st July 2011 30th July 2011 6th September 2013
A lovely pale blue flowered scrambling shrub. It is usually grown as a climber but it has to be helped upwards.
I grow it in the greenhouse where it survives the winter, without much enthusiasm, but it survives. The greenhouse provides the extra warmth it needs in the summer to overcome any setbacks. It starts flowing at the end of July and continues until the first serious frosts. Last year I planted it out in the Agave house, on the north wall and I am hoping it will ramble up into the roof structure and be magnificent.
In the event the Agave house proved to be too dry for it and after struggling for a few years it finally died in 2018 during the 'Beast from the East' cold spell.