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Polypodium cambricum 'Diadem'

A form that I bought from Julian Reed (National Collection holder) at the Great Dixter Plant Fair.

Mr Tomasz, Polish National Collection Holder of Polystichum says online (Zielono Zakreceni Forum ):

"Variety selected around 1990 by Martin Rickard By his own admission,. As a young plant, it did not stand out in any particular way. After a few years, however, he changed his mind, because it turned out that an adult has a lot of charm. Because it resembled an old, lost variety described by Lowe, 'Diadem', he named it 'Diadem'.
A similar fern was found in Ireland in 1865 by Mr. Morley ( 'Cristatum Morleyi' ) but it is believed that it has also been lost. It grows up to 30.x 8 cm. The top of the leaf and the tips of the leaflets are tipped with small combs."

10th October 2023


  • Rickard, Martin - Gardening with Ferns, David & Charles 2005
  • Notes online from Mr Tom, Polish National Collection of Polypodium, https://www.zielonozakreceni.pl/forum/ilustrowany-spis-paproci/10085-paprotka-walijska-polypodium-cambricum-diadem (accessed 20.12.2023).