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Polypodium glycyrrhiza 'Longicaudatum'

An American species from the Pacific Northwest, the rhizomes taste of licorice though I have never tried it. Perhaps when it becomes an invasive pest I will give it a try.
In 'Longicaudatum' the tip of the frond extends into a long ribbon. I'm sure it droops delicately in a large clump. My plant looks like my pastry, rolled too thin and ragged at the edges. It will improve I am sure (not the pastry I'm afraid, that has always been beyond hope).

Martin Rickard says:

"'Longicaudatum', 25-30cm (10-15in), was introduced into Britain around the time of the First World War. Fronds pinnatifid, each with a long-drawn-out tip. Does not taste as strongly of licorice as the type. Quite rare."

11th June 2012


  • Olsen, Sue - Encyclopedia of Garden Ferns, Timber Press 2007
  • Rickard, Martin - Gardening with Ferns, David & Charles 2005