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Protea cynaroides

18th July 2015 2nd September 2017 27th February 2018 15th May 2012
Growing on Tresco.
10th July 2022
Growing on the sea front at Falmouth.
Protea cynaroides is a spectacular species that grows in a number of the milder gardens locally as well as prospering on Tresco (Isles of Scilly). I have a friend who gardens about a mile away from here, and she grows it in a cold greenhouse without trouble.
I bought one and planted it at the foot of a south wall, hoping that with a bit of luck it would survive. Unfortunately it was still establishing outside when the 'beast from the east' hit, bringing a fortnight of freezing weather at the start of March. The Protea did not survive.
I will try again, because I think it is a good plan, but I am going to wait for a year or two to recover my nerve.

The Plantzafrica website says:

"Protea cynaroides has one of the widest distribution ranges of all the Proteaceae and occurs from the Cedarberg in the northwest to Grahamstown in the east. It occurs on all mountain ranges in this area, except for the dry interior ranges, and at all elevations, from sea level to 1500 meters high. The combination of the different climatic conditions with the large range of localities has resulted in a large variety of leaf- and flower sizes, as well as flower colours and flowering times."


  • Plantzafrica, https://pza.sanbi.org/protea-cynaroides (accessed 26.12.2023).