There are a few variegated forms of the Cherry Laurel. This one is fairly slow growing, but as tough as the green form.
The names 'Marbled White' and 'Green Marble' are also in use, and may refer to the same plant although there seem to be some differences in the plants
pictured online, the differences do not seem to correlate very reliably with the names. My plant has leaves very heavily mottled with white and with an irregular margin.
Other plants have greener leaves, white more streaked than mottled, and with a regular outline.
I got my plant from Seaforde Gardens, Co. Down in 1982, just in case provenance is significant in tracing names. I assume that they got propagating material
from Castlewellan Castle and Forest Park, which includes an Arboretum that was first planted in 1740. Castlewellan and Seaforde are about 6 miles apart.
At the time Seaforde Gardens seemed to be the only nursery that had it. I paid £2 if you were wondering, in the days when that seemed like quite a lot of money!