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Prunus laurocerassus 'Otto Luyken'

19th April 2012 28th February 2018 10th April 2020
A dwarf form of the Cherry Laurel that I planted in my previous garden to get to know it better. Cuttings came here with me and were planted to conceal the mower shed. They have grown to a range of shapes and sizes without really concealing anything. In the years that have passed, the mower shed has gone (a Eucalyptus fell on it), but the Prunus remains.
It looks very crisp when the white flowers open over shiny green leaves that have the slightest suggestion of wipe clean plastic about them.

Trees and Shrubs Online says:

"Of compact, horizontal habit, 3 to 4 ft high eventually. Leaves dark green, about 4 in. long, slightly under 1 in. wide, tapered at both ends, tips slightly acuminate. Very free flowering. A variety of recent origin raised by Messrs Hesse of Weener, Hanover. A.M. 1968."
And adds from the supplement to Bean, vol.5:
"This cultivar was of recent introduction when the current edition was being prepared. It grows taller than stated, to at least 5 ft, but is of compact habit."

I would say that the size estimate was still a bit cautious, 2.5m would seem a better based on my plants. I would also say that it was more globular in habit than horizontal, but it's only a difference of degree.

Wikipedia has a biography of Otto Luyken:

"Otto Luyken (4 November 1884 – 3 February 1953) was director of the "Hesse Tree Nurseries" (Baumschulen Hesse) in Weener, Germany. He bred the cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) variety named after him.
Luyken was born in Siegen, Germany. His parents were Emil Luyken (1845-1906) and Johanna Hesse (1848-1934). He went to school in Siegen and then began an apprenticeship as gardener in Belgium and England. After participating in World War I he started working at the "Hesse Tree Nurseries" in Weener which were owned by his mother's parents, and later became the director. Under his management the establishment won a high prestige. During World War II he was drafted again to military service for a long time and came back sick. He suffered from a dilated lung, and died in Weener. After his death the tree nurseries could not be kept in family's ownership.
The "Baumschulen Hesse" were founded 1879 by Hermann A. Hesse (1852-1937). The "Otto Luyken" cherry laurel was selected by the nursery in 1940 and introduced to trade in 1953 (Otto's death year)."

30th April 2021 6th April 2022 17th January 2023


  • International Dendrology Society, Trees and Shrubs Online, https://www.treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/prunus/prunus-laurocerasus/ (accessed 28.12.2023).
  • Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Luyken (accessed 28.12.2023).