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Primula 'Aire Mist'

Archive entry 06.04.14
Archive entry 17.04.16

5th April 2013 18th April 2018 18th March 2022
A hybrid raised by Peter Lister between P. allionii var alba and P. auricula 'Blairside Yellow'. Vigorous with large white flowers.
One of the European mountain hybrids that have started to interest me, mostly because I have a long history of killing them. This one is said to be 'easy' which is generally shorthand for dead within weeks but this time things are going well. I got it a year ago and it has increased in size and flowered.
All of which is good news though it shakes my expectations and leaves me a little uncomfortable.
In the Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society, David Philbey offers the description:

"Large, brilliant white, crystalline, thrum-eyed flowers with broadf overlapping petals. Easy, reliable; it has a pristine elegance."


  • Philbey, David - 'One Hundred European Primula Cultivars', Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.72 No.2 p.188 (2004)