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Primula auricula

I don't really trouble with Primulas, they just get planted out and left to get on with it. As a consequence, they tend not to last very long. This one stands as representative of the legions of auriculas that I have grown over the years, got bored with, and allowed to pass on to the great compost heap in the sky.
It is a wasteful process but Primula auricula is difficult to resist. I have a climate that delivers mild winters and mild summers. Moderate temperatures suit auriculas well in the summmer but they would prefer a cooler winter. I have to grow them under cover, in pots, but it is difficult to shade the greenhouse enough to keep it cool. I could move them all outside for the summer but I haven't anywhere easy and suitable (and I can't be bothered). As a result, auriculas come and go. Some have lasted a long time and left a mark on me, others were hardly noticed as they passed.

1st May 2006

6th May 2006