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Primula auricula 'Albert Bailey'

I thought it was a beautiful colour but ti didn't last here for long. I bought it from the members table at the AGS show in Exeter in 2016.

Barnhaven Primroses say on their website:

"A gold-brown double auricula, raised by Len Bailey in 1988. He raised many double auriculas, along with some well-known prize-winning alpine auriculas including Alicia and Jack Dean. Many of his varieties received Premier awards at shows. He was a real character who was generous with his plants, many of which are named after his family members, including this one which was named after his brother.

1st May 2016


  • Barnhaven Primroses, https://www.barnhaven.com/field-house-nursery/albert-bailey/ (accessed 02.01.2024).