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Primula 'Kerbelmilk' BELARINA BUTTERMILK

I have a grandiose plan to fill the space under all the deciduous trees with double primulas - it isn't progressing very fast, but never mind. I try out the new varieties are they are produced (and grow a few from seed), but double primroses strong enough to look after themselves in the garden are a rare thing. This is one of a series of large flowered doubles that were developed for sale as pot plants, and has been surprisingly resistant to death by neglect.
One of the double primroses raised and named by David Kerley in Cambridge. They are vigorous and often have a Jack-in-the-green collar.

Protected in the USA by patent no. US20070079410P1. In the patent description it says:

"The new Primula originated from a cross-pollination made by the inventors in Over, Cambridge, United Kingdom, of two unnamed and unpatented proprietary Primula acaulis seedling selections in March 2001. The new cultivar, ‘Kerbelmilk,’ was discovered and selected by the inventors as a flowering plant within the progeny of the stated cross in a controlled environment in Over, Cambridge, United Kingdom, in February 2002."

21st April 2006

9th April 2016 25th March 2016 19th May 2021