Primula 'Blue Sapphire'
18th April 2013
An attractive and robust selection from the Barnhaven Double primroses which have an established track record
for survival (there are a great many double primroses being produced for the pot plant market but they are not
all reliably perennial in the garden).
Double primroses come and go in popularity. Micropropagation made them easily available but it also allowed the
distribution of short lived forms in the 1980's, which damaged their reputation. A few reliable ones have hung
on, and a few good new ones have arrived but the waters are still being muddied by sub-standard introductions
with a death wish.
Barnhaven Primroses say on their website:
"A lovely old Barnhaven faithful. Literally masses of true blue flowers."
Heritage Perennials say:
"'Blue Sapphire' has rich, glowing medium-blue flowers with a hairline white edge. Blooms look almost like an African violet!! These should be divided every two to three years in early fall, to maintain vigour."
Barnhaven Primroses, (accessed 18.01.2024).
Heritage Perennials, (accessed 18.01.2024).