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Primula 'Clarence Elliott'

A vigorous hybrid that I bought from Parham Bungalow Plants in 2016. Their description says:

"A vigorous, free flowering allionii hybrid with large lavender flowers."

A hybrid between P. allionii and P. 'White Linda Pope' raised by Joe Elliott in 1982.

Val Bourne wrote a biography of Joe Elliott in The Plantsman in which she says:

"Joe Elliott was born into nursery life, being the son of another famous alpine gardener, Clarence elliott (1881 - 1969). He grew up on the family's Six Hills Nursery in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. Clarence Elliott's real love was wild-collected plants, particularly diminutive alpines. Joe Elliott later grew many of the plants associated with his father's nursery, and these formed the basis for his own Broadwell Nursery stock."

15th April 2018

14th March 2020 31st March 2022 23rd March 2023


  • Bourne, Val - Plantsmans Biography - Joe Elliott, The Plantsman, Vol.15 No.3 p.196 (2016)