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A delicate looking Bulgarian species that usually grows on acidic rocks in a small region of the central Balkan Mountains range. It has grown well in limestone chippings in the greenhouse. The AGS online encyclopedia says: "Very close to P. farinosa but much more easily grown and met with in cultivation. Leaves spathulate, obovate 3-9cm long by l-2cm broad, margins sharply crenate-toothed, becoming less so at maturity, dark green and somewhat bullate above and usually densely white-farinose beneath, the veins very prominent on the under surface. Flowers pinkish-lilac to reddish-purple with a darker eye, in umbels of up to thirty, on 4-12cm high stems. Sepal-lobes 1/3 calyx, acute. April. Endemic to a small area of Bulgaria, in the Stara Planina, on acidic cliffs in woodland or scrub, at 900-2000m. Easy but rather short-lived in cool, well-drained sites in the rock garden, troughs etc.." |
1st May 2016 |
3rd May 2018 | 12th April 2020 | 14th April 2023 |