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Primula 'Hall Barn Blue'

15th February 2017 15th April 2018
A small, vigorous, clumping perennial. It looks like a typical Juliana primrose (P. x pruhoniciana) but it is said to be a colour sport of P. vulgaris.

Hall Barn is a garden in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, laid out originally in the 17th and 18th century as a pleasure ground surrounding a country house. I don't know if there is a link to the primrose or not.

The National Garden Scheme say:

"Historical landscaped garden laid out between 1680-1730 for the poet Edmund Waller and his descendants. Features 300 yr old cloud formation yew hedges, formal lake and vistas ending with classical buildings and statues. Wooded walks around the grove offer respite from the heat on sunny days. One of the original NGS garden openings of 1927."


  • Parks and Gardens, https://www.parksandgardens.org/places/hall-barn (accessed 14.02.2024).
  • National Gardens Scheme, https://findagarden.ngs.org.uk/garden/150/hall-barn (accessed 14.02.2024).