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Primula 'Lilian Harvey'

A modern variety, that has turned out to be unexpectedly vigorous. The colour is a little on the harsh side, but in February there is no reason to object, and by May the flowers are more or less hidden by the undergrowth.
Over a couple of decades this has been the toughest double primrose in the garden by a wide margin. It seems to produce a little bit of pollen at the start of the flowering season and I did raise some first generation seedlings from it but I misplaced them. A race of reliable, perennial double primroses would be very welcome.

I assume that the cultivar was named after Lilian Harvey (1906 - 1968), a British born German actress and singer who was based in Germany. She amassed a fortune in real estate that was confiscated by the Nazis during the war. She left Germany for the south of France, and then emigrated to the USA. Later she retired to the resort town of Antibes on the French Riviera, where she operated a souvenir shop and raised edible snails.
5th April 2013

21st April 2006 3rd April 2020 5th April 2023


  • Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilian_Harvey (accessed 17.02.2024).