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Primula x forsteri 'Bileckii'

A very bright coloured hybrid. Far Reaches Farm say on their website:

"This is a dandy cross between Primula minima which is really tricky to grow and P. hirsuta which is a lot easier. The result has the charm of minima without the temperament and the ease of cultivation which hirsuta offers. Great foliage and vibrant reddish flowers. Good drainage and morning sun."

In an article on European Primulas Will Ingwersen wrote:

"P. Bileckii (P. minima xP. hirsuta) - This is rather close to P. Steinii of the same parentage, but with rather distinct foliage, wider and more notched."

C. C. Mountfort added some descriptive notes in 1940:

"But P. hirsuta has practically reached the eastern limit at the Brenner, and is not found west of that district. There are four or five fairy well-marked forms, the best of which seems to be P. x Bileckii (Widmer). This plant has very much the look of P. minima, the leaves a little wider and rather more finely-toothed than in that species, but the flower can be enormous, well over an inch across , and of a clear "solid" pink, with a white eye. The petals, which have a shallow notch at the apex, touch eachother and give the effect of an unbroken, almost circular outline. This cross is still obtainable from nurseries, and Mr Reginald Kaye has a fine form of it."

27th June 2019

27th March 2020 3rd April 2020 7th April 2022


  • Peninsula Primulas, https://farreachesfarm.com/products/primula-x-forsteri-bileckii?variant=47458131902746 (accessed 18.02.2024).
  • Ingwersen, Will - European Primula hybrids in nature, Journal of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.3 p.178 (1953)
  • Mountford, C. C. - European Primula Crosses, Journal of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.8 p.307 (1940)