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Primula marginata 'Alba'

26th February 2017 16th March 2017
A very pale form that I got from Edrom Nursery. Their label says:

"A plant suitable for troughs etc. Pale-green deciduous leaves emerge in early spring covered with fine farina and are toothed. Flowers are clean white. Sun, most soils."

Mine is not pure white.

Barnhaven Primroses say:

"This form of marginata has pale pink flowers that fade to nearly white - the name can therefore be considered slightly misleading. It is nonetheless an attractive plant with powdery, greyish-green, roughly toothed leaves. "


  • Barnhaven Primroses, https://www.barnhaven.com/alpine-primula/primula-marginata/alba/ (accessed 19.02.2024).