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Primula marginata 'Jack Drake'

A very slender cultivar. I got it from the members table at the AGS show at Exeter. I assume that this came originally from Jack Drake's Nursery and that it is the same as 'Drake's Form'.

Barnhaven Primroses say (as 'Drakes Form'):

"Lavender flowers on polyanthus stems. Particularly attractive foliage that is neatly serrated. Grow in gritty compost that must be well-draining but not dry out completely in summer."

'Pedicularis' writing in the Journal of the Alpine Garden Society in 1954 says:

"We are indebted to Mr Jack Drake for a magnificent form of Primula marginata which he himself collected in the Alpes Maritimes. Will he please give it a Latinised varietal name , or a future generation of Primula fans will be in doubt as to whether he raised it in his own garden or not?"

1st May 2016

10th April 2021 23rd April 2021


  • Barnhaven Primroses, https://www.barnhaven.com/alpine-primula/primula-marginata/drakes-form/ (accessed 20.02.2024).
  • Pedicularis - Alpine Commenatary, Journal of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.22 No.2 p.118 (1954)