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Primula sieboldii 'Geisha Girl'

Archive entry 03.05.09

A good pink flowered form, though it hasn't been as strong as I had hoped. I have it in a pot in the greenhouse and it needs to be split and repotted more often than I am likely to manage. I bought it from Ivan and Jenny Harding at Entwood Farm in Lyme Regis. Their label says:

"Herbaceous perennial with rosettes of soft green, downy leaves. Rounded clusters of pink flowers in early summer. 20 x 15-20cm. Moist soil, partial shade."

Penny's Primulas say:

"Flat blooming, overlap petalled thrum. Light pink flowers with white centre and white tracings on veins. A very pretty and reliable Primula sieboldii cultivar raised by Alan Bloom."

3rd May 2009

25th April 2009 22nd May 2009 7th April 2011


  • Penny's Primulas, https://www.pennysprimulas.co.uk/shop/product/geisha-girl/ (accessed 22.02.2024).