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Primula vulgaris 'Dawn Ansell'

A double flowered white Jack-in-the-Green primrose. I bought it from my local Post Office (those were the days).

Writing in the Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society in 2000, Graham Rice says:

"Among the most popular of the micropropagated doubles is the lovely, white 'Dawn Ansell', with its green ruff of enlarged bracts cradling the flower (a mutation known as jack-in-the-green). It was grown from seed distributed by amateur hybridist Cecil Jones of Llanelli. He had created doubles even before Florence Bellis had exhibited her range, but many of his seedlings lacked vigour. 'Dawn Ansell' is an exception and is deservedly widely grown."

19th March 2005

21st April 2006 18th April 2016 25th January 2017


  • Rice, Graham - Out of the Woods, Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Vol.125 No.3 p.191 (2000)