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Primula x pubescens 'Christine'

A cultivar I bought from Keith Wiley in 2016. His label says:

"Bright magenta-rose flowers in spring. Hardy, best in part shade."

Given an Award of Merit by the RHS in 1960, the record of the award says:

"A.M. April 19, 1960. Primula x pubescens is the oldest of hybrid primulas in cultivation, and mtoo well known to need a detailed description. There is a range of forms, the present one having been raised by MR JACK DRAKE in 1955. The flowers, in this form, are Magnolia Purple (H.C.C. 30) with a white eye. In the 8-inch pan exhibited there were twenty flowering stems, 2 inches high, each bearing from two to eight flowers. The dentate-crenate leaves were yellow-green in colour. Exhibuited by Messrs. Jack Drake, Inshriach Alpine Plant Nursery, Aviemore, Inverness-shire."

1st May 2016

26th April 2018 17th April 2019 12th April 2022


  • Journal of the royal Horticultural Society, Vol.85 No.1 p.502 (1960)