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8th April 2007 | 8th April 2007 | 27th March 20076 |
'Papageno' is a seed strain of double Pulsatilla that produces a range of colours - it is worth selecting the best of them in flower. I have these two planted in the herbaceous border,
and I am hoping to get enough seed to grow some more for next year. The soil here is too rich for them really, but I might be able to grow them successfully on top of the walls
(if I can raise enough to experiment). Writing on the Scottish Rock Garden Forum on January 9th 2010, Rudi Weiss says: "I just hear and see Papageno singing in TV, there is a contest of the 10 most favourite operas. But let us now talk about plants. Today I phoned with Olga Duchacova from Czech Republic and the Bavarian nurseryman Eugen Schleipfer to tell you the true story. About 30 years ago, these beauties were raised by Czech plantsmen and 5 years later Olga bought many of them and presented them to her numerous friends which visited her in her splendid garden. It was not such an easy travelling in the times of the Iron Curtain, but I have so many good memories of Olga and Ruda and their generousity. It is such a pity, that their bad health situation doesn't allow them anymore to cultivate their garden by the house and they are so sad about this fact. Eugen Schleipfer was also lucky enough to get these fine plants from her and started propagating and breeding, which he does still now with big succes.He also offered seeds to the Jelitto Seed Company who propagates and offers them as Papageno strain." |