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Pyrrosia angustata

4th August 2022 21st October 2022
A small growing tropical species from Malaya, Maluka, Myanmar, Sumatra and Borneo.

Tropiflora say on their website:

"Never common, it is found in open, lowland forests. Linear leaf blades are formed at intervals along a scaly stem. The leaves are about an inch wide and six inches long, glossy, light green above, silvery below and rather leathery. As an epiphyte, it does well mounted but can also be grown in a loose, well drained mix."

I was given a plant by Evan Sharp and it did very well through the late summer. Unfortunately I had failed to appreciate how tender it was likely to be and left it out in the greenhouse for too long. By the time I realised my mistake it had lost all of its leaves and although I kept the pot warm for the next year, the rhizome did not resprout.