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Pyrrosia eberhardtii

A small growing Chinese species that I have just bought from Stuart Worth at the RHS Fern and Carnivorous Plant show.

The Flora of China says:

"On tree trunks or rocks in forests; 1000-1700 m. ?Guangdong, Hainan [Thailand, Vietnam]."

The Flora of Thailand says:

"It is evident that this species is a close ally of Pyrrosia lingua which is widely distributed in Japan, China, Taiwan and the northern part of Indochina. Pyrrosia eberhardtii is distinguished from P. lingua by having dimorphous hairs on the underside of fronds. The short armed stellate hairs are common to these two species but the lower hairs each provided with filiform appendages are not quite distinct for both species. It is rather strange that P. eberhardtii is rather common also in Peninsular Thailand but has never been found in Malaya."

31st July 2024


  • Flora of China online, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200005076, accessed 10.08.2024
  • Flora of Thailand online, https://botany.dnp.go.th/eflora/floraSpecies.html?tdcode=F0681, accessed 10.08.2024
  • Hovenkamp, P, A Monograph of the fern genus Pyrrosia, Leiden University Press, 1986