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Pyrrosia hastata 'Shikoku Jishi'

8th June 2017 29th June 2017 13th July 2017
I got it from John Trott at Mendip Bonsai Studio, originally from Shikoku Garden nursery in Japan. Sadly I killed this one within the year without seeing what a mature frond looked like.

In 2005 Barry Yinger wrote in the Asiatica catalogue:

"Pyrrosia hastata is a rock-dwelling fern from the mountains of Japan and Korea. The normal type has three lobes on each frond on a creeping rootstock. This rare Japanese form does it all; it (has) fronds of almost all mutated types; some are frilled and rounded, others crested, some elongated and feather-like. It is impossible to describe all the possibilities. If you have only one mutation of P. hastata, this is the one."