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Pyrrosia heteractis 'Chen Yi'

I was sent a small piece of rhizome from China several years ago, and it has slowly developed a few leaves. It came as Pyrrosia similis T.735 and I don't have the ability to either check or question that.
I have been keeping it moist and shaded but I am now convinced it would prefer more light and less water so it has been moved to a large pot in the Hedychium house. Although obtained as P. similis I now think that is P. heteractis.
Remko Beuving obtained a very similar plant from the same source under the same number but his plant produces much more 'organised' clumps and has slightly broader, flatter leaves. My plant is rather tangled.
Remko's plant has been identified as a form of P. lingua and he has called it P. lingua 'Chinese Hardy'.

12th December 2006

13th July 2017 4th July 2020 7th February 2024
2nd December 2017