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Pyrrosia lingua

An epiphytic fern from China, Southeast Asia, Taiwan and Japan. I spent a number of years before I realised that it preferred dry sunny conditions to moist shade. In the Agave house it has started to spread and fill the pot.

Plant Delights Nursery say:

"With leaves that look and feel more like a cow's tongue, it's hard to imagine that these are really ferns. Many books claim that Pyrrosia lingua isn't winter hardy here, but we grow only uneducated ferns that can't read gardening books. The hard rhizome grows along the ground and the leaves arise singly from it. The tongue-shaped leaves have a unique, cardboard-like texture with a felty backside and eventually make a nice evergreen mass. Pyrrosia prefers to grow on a steep slope or somewhere where the self-attaching rhizomes can adhere to a vertical surface."

I got my plant from Mark Fillan and it started me on the slippery slopes of Pyrrosia.

29th June 2013

1st January 2018 4th July 2020 1st October 2022


  • Plant Delights Nursery, https://www.plantdelights.com/products/pyrrosia-lingua (accessed 08.07.2024).