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Pyrrosia lingua 'Chinese Hardy'

This plant came to me from Remko Beuving who has been growing it outside and noted that it was remarkably hardy. He got it from Chen Yi in China as P.similis under the number T.735. I also recieved a plant of T.735 from China in 2006 and our two plants are not quite the same. I had decided that my plant was probably a form of P. heteractis and I have called it P. h. 'Chen Yi'. Remko and his associated have studied his plant and concluded that it is a form of P. lingua and he has called it P.l. 'Chinese Hardy'. Both plants have been referred to as 'Chen Yi T.735' so that is not a useful name.
P. lingua 'Chinese Hardy' produces broader leaves than 'P. heteractis 'Chen Yi' and has a more organised growth habit compared to the "bad hair day" appearance of 'P. heteractis 'Chen Yi'.

19th January 2019

27th March 2020 10th December 2021 7th February 2024


  • Hovenkamp, P, A Monograph of the fern genus Pyrrosia, Leiden University Press, 1986
  • Flora of China online, http://www.efloras.org/flora_page.aspx?flora_id=2, accessed 10.08.2024