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Rebutia fusca

A red flowered species that didn't last here for very long. It is currently accepted that the name should be R. spegazziniana.

The Llifle encyclopedia says:

"Origin and Habitat: Questa de Sama and adjacent areas, Tarija, Bolivia
Altitude range: 3100-3900
Habitat and ecology: Rebutia fusca grows on rock outcrops in grassy slopes.
Description: Rebutia fusca is a very distinctive species with an overall brown aspect, and with very short spines lying close to the stem that barely reach 2-3 mm long and give the impression that the plant could be grasped with impunity. It is the “Bolivian form” of Rebutia spegazziniana, but it has a very different habit from that species, growing tallish stems and solitary or clustering randomly. This slow growing cactus is highly priced for its vibrant orange red blooms."

4th June 2016


  • Llifle, Encyclopedia of Living Forms online, https://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/5046/Rebutia_fusca, accessed 17.09.2024