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Rhodohypoxis 'Confecta'

Originally introduced as Rhodohypoxis baurii var. confecta but now listed by most people as 'Confecta', because it is believed to be a hybrid, and to exist only as a single clone.

I bought it from Blackthorn Nursery and their label says:

"R. milloides x R, baurii. Collected by Hilliard and Burt. Many bicolour pink flowers over a long season."

Writing in the Journal of the Alpine Garden Society, Mike Hurst says:

"Rhodohypoxis baurii var. confecta is locally common, growing around the Chalet at Sani Top in amongst the rocky turf. This is one of the species commonly grown in the UK. Dr. O. M. Hilliard and B. L. Burtt report in their book 'The Botany of the Southern Natal Drakensberg' that it is 'strewn over the ground mlikje confetti', a most accurate observation."

4th June 2006

12th May 2007 30th May 2013 30th May 2014

6th June 2017 8th June 2019 23rd May 2020


  • Clarke, Keith - 'Rhodohypoxis Reflections', Journal of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.62, No.1 (1994).
  • Mathew, Brian - 'Rhodohypoxis', The Plantsman, Vol.6 Part.1 (1984).
  • Robinson, Allan - 'Rhodohypoxis', JRHS, Vol.121 Part.6 (1996).
  • Birchall, Chris and Lorraine - 'Rhodohypoxis', Journal of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.76 No.3 (2008).
  • Benham, Stephen - 'South African Endemics', Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Vol.109 Part.9 (1984).
  • Report of the RHS Trail of Rhodohypoxis, 1988 - 1990 .
  • Hurst, Mike 'Africa's Switzerland', Journal of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.68, No.4 (2008).