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Rohdea japonica 'Godaishu'

I was sent a small offset of 'Godaishu'in January 2006, and was delighted to get it, but I think the piece I was sent is actually 'Gunjaku'. In time it will grow and its identity will become clearer. For the moment, this is 'Godaishu', but there is a question mark. Other plants I have seen are more strongly variegated.

Cotswold Garden Flowers website says:

"Vigorous upright dwarf form, creamy-white marginally variegated evergreen leaves matures to creamy-yellow, 18cm. Good for dry shade."

Quackin' Grass Nursery say:

"Rohdea japonica 'Go Dai Shu' (also spelled 'Godaishu'; ex: Jonathan Lehrer) – Another choice Sacred Lily with all new strap-shaped leaves heavily striated in creamy yellow. The green of this cultivar approaches forest green - very dark, darker than 'Tamgawa-ryu'. The dark backdrop makes the cream stripes pop. Leaves mature to a leathery, fibrous texture and the creamy yellow lightens to milk white."

9th February 2006

17th May 2006 8th October 2007 28th November 2008 1st August 2022

  • Cotswold Garden Flowers, https://www.cotswoldgardenflowers.co.uk/encyclopedia/rohdea-japonica-godaishu/ , accessed 12.11.2024.
  • Quackin' Grass Nursery, https://www.quackingrassnursery.com/plant/Rohdea-japonica-Go-Dai-Shu , accessed 12.11.2024.