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Rohdea japonica 'Yattazu Yan Jaku'

This picture shows a plant growing vigorously, but behaving atypically. As it matures, the green leaves develop white marks and splashes, as though it had leant against wet paint. I bought it from Plant Delights Nursery in North Carolina. Their catalogue says:

"R. 'Yattazu Yan Jaku' is one of the most emotion-provoking rohdeas that we grow...folks either love it or hate it. This upright-growing, evergreen clumper has glossy green leaves that are splashed with giant blotches of creamy white, as though you stuck a green rohdea in a spin art machine. Toward the end of the leaves, the blotches are larger. In late fall, the clumps are highlighted by 3" tall stalks of red berries...truly stunning!

31st March 2006

8th October 2007 28th November 2008 16th May 2021