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Rubus fruticosus 'Variegatus'

A very charming variegated bramble that I was given many years ago by Terry Jones. I don't find it very vigorous, I keep it in a pot and it has to be repotted regularly. Terry grew it trained as an espalier in his garden and it seemed to do very well. It flowers occasionally and produces small variegated fruits that I don't find very palatable.

Bob Brown has stocked it at Cotswold Garden Flowers and he says:

"Cream variegated blackberry, unripe pink fruits also variegated, winter colours amazing. Good as a climber. Treat it nicely, it IS special and not as vigorous as a wild blackberry. No reversion."

Bluebell Nursery say in their catalogue:

"An unusual and much sought after form of our native blackberry, Rubus fruticosus 'Variegatus' has vibrant creamy-white, multicoloured young leaves and even the edible fruits are somewhat variegated. A lovely and intriguing foliage plant ideal for a sunny border or for growing in a large container!"

In a snippet about an RHS Westminster Show (someone?) said:

"An unusual foliage plant, Rubus fruticosus 'Variegatus, was shown by PW Plants of Kenninghall, Norfolk. It is suggested as a refreshing alternative to ivy in containers, and is fully hardy and less rampant than fruiting brambles."

26th July 2014

7th May 2016 27th August 2022 4th July 2024

  • Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Vol.122, Part.10 (1997).