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Rubus parviflorus 'Sunshine Spreader'

A low creeping gold leaved shrubette. I am a little wary of it in case it decides to invade or produce elfin groves of seedlings but it has a good reputation and is probably worth a try.
I got it from Edulis, their label says:

"A thicket-forming shrub with velvety, golden leaves. Pretty cup-shaped white flowers from early summer to early autumn, followed by red fruit."

Rubus parviflorus is a North American species and 'Sunshine Spreader is used there as a ground cover. It wasn't very vigorous here and died out after a couple of years.

26th August 2012

  • The Herb Society of America, 'Essential Guide to Rubus' , https://www.herbsociety.org/file_download/inline/d39299c3-e564-410a-8352-fa372047f39e , accessed 26.12.2024.