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Ruscus colchicus

A large and relatively soft Butchers Broom. I was given a clump by a friend and it has grown well at the base of a Leyland Cypress.

Paul Barney at Edulis writes:

"Slow-growing shiny dark green-leaved evergreen shrub. Rarely offered. I first encountered this in Albania as a pot plant, and then in the wild in in NE Turkey , where it grows in gullies. Excellent for dry shady positions. Ht 40 cm. Caucasus & NE Turkey Hardy.

Davis Landscape Architecture write on their webpage:

"Ruscus colchicus is a slow growing, evergreen spreading shrub. Its dark green leaves (which are actually flattened stems) are elliptic with entire margins, up to 13cm long and 5cm wide. Its green flowers appear at the true leaf axil and are up to 8mm long. Its red fruit is a berry and are up to 1cm across. Its roots are rhizomes which aids its spread.
Ruscus colchicus is native to the Caucasus region. In its native habitat it grows as an understory ground cover plant within deciduous woodlands.
The etymological root of the binomial name Ruscus is from the Latin name for this plant Ruscum. Colchicus is derived from the Latin and is named after the Black Sea port, Colchis."

31st January 2019 31st December 2020 10th March 2022


  • Edulis catalogue, https://www.edulis.co.uk/products/ruscus-colchica , accessed 31.12.2024.
  • Davis Landscape Architecture, https://davisla.wordpress.com/2013/03/29/plant-of-the-week-ruscus-colchicus/, accessed 31.12.2024.