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Salix cinerea 'Tricolor'

There are a few variegated willows. This one is vigorous but not really spectacular, though it is always an interesting talking point.

In 'Willows', Christopher Newsholme says:

"S. cinerea'Tricolor' is a larger-leafed sowewhat sprawling shrub with marbled pink, and crem coloured variegation."

Trees and Shrubs online says:

"Leaves blotched and dotted with yellow and white. Male. Of little beauty."

People don't really like it do they. It's a pity, because I have a soft spot for it (not in the sense of 'marshy'). I have taken it to a couple of plant fairs, never sold it once. A few people have laughed out loud.

I had to go to the USA to find anybody saying anything positive. Bluestem nursery said:

"'Tricolor' will perform best with a light trim in autumn. Small in size and easily managed, Tricolor's decorative foliage starts out as a rusty red colour fading to marbled pink and is an excellent choice for many locations."

Krussmann says:

"Slow growing; leaves smaller, white with green or white-red-green speckled and marbled. Originated in Germany around 1772. Female."

13th June 2006

24th May 2019


  • Trees and Shrubs online, https://www.treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/salix/salix-cinerea/ , accessed 01.01.2025.
  • Bluestem Nursery, https://ornamentalgrass.ca/salix-cinerea-tricolor.htm#:~:text=Save-,Salix%20cinerea%20%27Tricolor%27%20%2D%20Variegated%20Grey%20Sallow,excellent%20choice%20for%20many%20locations. , accessed 01.01.2025.
  • Krussmann, Gerd - Manual of Cultivated Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs, Batsford (1986)
  • Newsholme, Christopher - Willows - the genus Salix, Batsford (1992)