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Salix udensis 'Golden Sunshine'

I have it planted in full sun where it is a striking, gold-leaved shrubby willow. For a few years I grew it in a pot in the Hedychium house where it was a shrubby willow. The difference is very important.

Milan Havlis says:

"Japanese fantail willow is a native species from East Siberia, and all parts of Japan. So far there have been only two varieties registered: green-leaved Sekka, and this yellow-leaved called Golden Sunshine. It was found as a natural mutation, a sport of the species, by Izumi Takuya in Japan in 2005. It was patented as PP19370 in 2008."

The plant patent says:

"The new cultivar was discovered and selected as a single plant within a popuation of plants of Salix sachalinensis during Jnuary 2005 in a controlled environment at Iyo-city, Japan."

Mark Dwyer wrote in 'Nursery Management' magazine in 2023:

Full sun is necessary for the best growth and the intensity of golden coloration. ‘Golden Sunshine’ does exhibit some drought tolerance once established although moist soils are preferred. Also urban pollution tolerant, this plant is not pH sensitive and has resistance to leaf scorch, leaf spot, powdery mildew, root rot and both deer and rabbits will be uninterested in nibbling. I’ve consistently observed this plant to be robust and hearty in myriad locations. The early, silver-yellow flowers (catkins) aren’t overly ornamental but the brightness of foliage, held along reddish twigs, from emergence to hard frost is impressive and noteworthy."

14th October 2014

2nd October 2020 21st October 2023 3rd May 2024


  • Dwyer, Mark. Nursery Management Magazine online, https://www.nurserymag.com/article/salix-sachalinensis-golden-sunshine/ , accessed 01.01.2025.
  • Havlis, https://www.havlis.cz/karta_en.php?kytkaid=3697 , accessed 01.01.2025.
  • Krussmann, Gerd - Manual of Cultivated Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs, Batsford (1986)
  • Newsholme, Christopher - Willows - the genus Salix, Batsford (1992)