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Salvia involucrata

One of the more herbaceous Salvia species. I have seen it providing a late summer spectacle in borders, even in the westcountry, so I was pleased to try it in the garden when I was given a plant. Unfortunately, although it tolerates a rich loam, my damp shady soil was too much for it and although it flowered it didn't establish strongly enough to overwinter.

Writing in 'The Garden', James Compton says:

"Salvia involucrata is a giant of a plant reaching, when at its best, over 9 1/2 feet on height (3m). It can exhibit a ruddiness in the stems and leaves throughout the year. The flowers are carried on spikes which when immature are covered in wide pink bracts. This gives the end of the inflorescence an almost globular appearance. The bracts soon fall off and the flowers appear. They are very dark pink and 1 inch long (2.5cm) and they open in pairs up the spike."

26th July 2014