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Salvia patens 'Patio Light Blue'

Salvia patens is a tall growing Mexican species with large, pure blue flowers. Introduced in 1838, it was first popularised for the exotic bedding style of gardening championed by William Robinson in the early art of his career. In 'The English Flower Garden' (10th ed) he says:

"S. patens is without question one of the best plants in cultivation, the intense blue of its flowers making it a charming object. Though tender in most gardens, the tuberous roots are easily wintered in a frost-proof place, and increase is easy from seed or cuttings rooted n early spring."

From seedaholic.com I discovered:

"It was first discovered by plant explorer Karl Theodor Hartweg on an expedition to Mexico that began in 1836. In 1839, Scottish botanist Robert Marnock wrote exuberantly about the species in The Floriculture Magazine. He said that Salvia patens was ”exciting so much interest” throughout Great Britain, and that everything said about the species couldn’t do justice to its 'remarkably brilliant blue'. "

The Patio Series were bred in Holland as a useful, compact and floriferous tender plants for containers. Patio Light Blue is also sold as Patio Sky Blue.

PanAmerican seed say:

" With its excellent branching plant habit, Patio is more compact and richer flowering than similar strains."

22nd July 2015

Regarding the species, under miscellaneous intelligence in 'The Floricultural Cabinet and Florists Magazine' it says:

"Seeds of this fine species were sent to this country from Mexico by Mr Tweedie. Mr Lowe of the Clapton Nursery has been successful in raising a plant, which we saw in bloom in the open border during last summer. The plant was near two feet high, and appeared to have had a spike of flowers at least one foot long. The spike appeared to have more than five or six flowers expanded at once, but even before expanding they produced a fine effect."

In an article in the same volume, G. Bentham writes:

"The richness and variety of colouring observable in the numerous species of Salvia, which adorn the mountains of South America, and Mexico, have long been known to botanists, but it has happened that few of them have hitherto found their way into our gardens. The Salvia splendens fulgens, Grahamii, and Mexicanii occupy, it is true, the place in our collections they so eminently deserve, and some few others of considerable beauty, such as S. leucantha, leonuroides, angustifolia &c. are occasionally to be met with in botanical gardens. It will, therefore, excite some surprise, that this plant, growing plentifully in the same districts from whence we have received the S. fulgens, should never till now have been transmitted to this country; and it will be readily believed that there are yet many which would amply reward the exertions of future collectors. We know, for instance, of a Salvia longiflora among the Peruvian mountains, with a corolla above five inches long; a S. speciosa in the same country, with long dense spikes of a rich purple; a white flowered S. leucocephala, said far to exceed the beauty of S. leucantha; and in the Mexican mining districts, the S. Regia Sessei, and pubescens, with their inflated scarlet calyces, S. pheonicea, covered with a profusion of flowers of the same colour, are stated to be fully equal to the S. fulgens in their general appearance; and even in South Brazil it is probable the S. persicifolia, or some other allied to it, may fairly enter into competition with S. splendens. Others are known to have orange or yellow flowers, of different shades. Indeed, out of nearly two hundred species of American Salvias, there seems reason to believe that three-fourths of them may be worthy of cultivation.
We may hope, however, that in the S. patens, we have now secured one of the most desirable of the group, more especially as there seems reason to believe that it is not more tender than S. fulgens. It is from the same mining districts of Guanaxuato, Real del Monte, Tlalpuxahua, &c. It was there first discovered by Nee, a Spanish botanist, who gave it the name S. grandiflora, but that name having been pre-occupied, Cavanilles published it from Nee's dried specimens and coloured figure, under the name S. patens. Humboldt and Bonpland again brought dried specimens to Europe; and Kunth not aware of Cavanilles figure, called it in his Nova Genera, S. spectabilis, for which he afterwards in his Synopsis, substituted Cavanilles name, since adopted by botanists.
The Salvia patens is a perennial, growing to the height of two, three, or four feet, erect and hairy. The leaves are large, ovate, or deltoid, broadly hastate, or somewhat heart shaped at the base, or the upper ones rounded, green and hairy on both sides. The flowers are disposed in long terminal racemes, usually branching into three at the base; along this raceme they are placed in opposite pairs, each one at the axilla, or a small linear-lanceolate floral leaf. The flower stalks are short, the calyx half to three-quarters of an inch long, hairy, green, and deeply divided into two lips - the upper one entire, the lower deeply two-cleft. The corolla, of a rich blue, between two and three inches long, is remarkable for its broad gaping mouth, the upper lip being long, falcate, and erect, enclosing the stamens and pistil; the lower lip hanging with two lateral oblong reflexed lobes, and the middle one very broad and emarginate.
The S. patens will probably thrive best under the same treatment as that which succeeds with S. fulgens, and like that plant it will be found to vary much in the size, the brilliancy, and the number of flowers, according to the temperature and light in which it is grown. Particular care should be taken not to weaken the plant, or suffer it to become etiolated, in order that the raceme may not lengthen too much, and increase the distance between the flowers.
We owe this splendid addition to our gardens to the exertions of John Parkinson, Esq. her Majesty's consul at Mexico, who transmitted seeds to this country early last year; and it was raised and first flowered in August last by Mr. W. B. Page, Nurseryman, Southampton. It has also been raised by Messrs. Low, Clapton, and Mr. Pontney, nurseryman at Plymouth."


  • PanAmerican Seed, https://www.panamseed.com/utility/CultureSheetPDF.aspx?pagename=culture.aspx&type=Per&txtphid=054901097 , accessed 04.01.2025.
  • seedaholic.com, https://www.seedaholic.com/salvia-patens-patio-deep-blue.html , accessed 04.01.2025.
  • Robinson, William - The English Flower Garden, John Murray, 10th ed (1906)
  • The Floricultural Cabinet and Florists Magazine, Vol.7 page.23 (1839)
  • Bentham, G. - 'Remarks on...Salvia patens', The Floricultural Cabinet and Florists Magazine, Vol.7 page.23 (1839)