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Sarcococca confusa

Archive entry 26.12.10

I have planted a few species of Sarcococca this year, and it is good to have them in the garden again after a few years break.
I don't think I have ever seen as good a display of berries on a Sarcococca. Possibly it is because I have a number of species planted nearby. I intended to collect the seed and see if anything interesting germinated, but the thrushes beat me to it.
The wire netting keeps the rabbits at bay for a while, but eventually it will have to take its chances.

Trees and Shrubs online says:

"A plant of unknown origin, in cultivation since 1916; it may have been raised from seeds collected by Wilson in W. China, but is not matched by any wild specimen. From all other species, S. confusa is distinguished by the female flowers having either two or three stigmas, all other species having consistently either two or three. Its bushy habit of growth distinguishes it from all other species except S. ruscifolia, and from that species it differs in its leaves, in the fruits becoming finally black, not red, and by the number of stigmas (constantly three in R. ruscifolia). The flowers are sweetly scented, and are borne from late December to February."

1st February 2009

1st February 2009 30th January 2010 2nd January 2011 15th January 2011 1st January 2024

  • Trees and shrubs Online, https://www.treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/sarcococca/sarcococca-confusa/ , accessed 08.01.2025.