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Saxifraga 'Allendale Cabal'

Another one that I bought from the AGS show at Rosemoor in 2017. Raised by Ray Fairbairn in 1994 from a cross between S. 'Cumulus and S. lilacina.
This was not very floriferous with me, sputtering with an occasional flower over a couple of months. I don't really have the conditions for this sort of saxifrage, the winter here is too mild for them to prosper. In less gentle climates it makes a good, hard cushion studded with large, pale pink flowers.

6th April 2017

17th March 2018 29th March 2018 15th April 2018

  • Alpine Garden Society, http://archive.alpinegardensociety.net/plants/plant-portraits/Saxifraga%20Kabschia%20Engleria%20cultivars/62/ , accessed 12.01.2025.