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Saxifraga 'Lemon Puff'

A small rosetted silver saxifrage. I bought it from Parham Bungalow Plants at an Exeter AGS show. Their label says:

"Silver, lime encrusted rosettes with sprays of lemon yellow flowers in summer. Ful sun."

It grew well for me initilly but died during the heat of a summer.

D'arcy and Everest say:

"Pastel lemon flowers with silver encrusted foliage. Very sturdy in growth this is a nice unusual colour variety that is very drought tolerant. Ideal for the alpine rock garden or container."

I haven't been able to find out anything more about it. The few growers I have found are convinced it is lemon but I think they may be taking their cue from the name. Mine was white with red spots. I haven't been able to find a picture of the plant in flower other than mine.
I may well be wrong but I am prepared to believe that this is the right thing and that the name is a little misleading. Perhaps the person who named it had never had a lemon puff. There's a horrifying thought for you.

1st May 2016

15th April 2018 24th May 2018 8th June 2019


  • D'arcy and Everest, https://darcyeverest.co.uk/product/saxifraga-lemon-puff/ , accessed 24.01.2025.
  • Alpine Garden Society online, http://archive.alpinegardensociety.net/plants/plant-portraits/Saxifraga%20Kabschia%20Engleria%20cultivars/62/ , accessed 24.01.2025.
  • AGS 'Saxifraga, Kabschia and Engleria cultivars', http://archive.alpinegardensociety.net/plants/plant-portraits/Saxifraga%20Kabschia%20Engleria%20cultivars/62/ , accessed 24.01.2025.