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Sansevieria subspicata

Archive entry 29.09.13

Broad undulating leaves, dark green mottled darker. Known only from Mozambique (Flora of Mozambique). I got my plant from a collector in the USA.

Plants of the World online says:

"The native range of this species is Mozambique. It is a rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.

Glasshouse Works say:

"This clone we have is from Manda's collection, representing the most easily grown form most common in USA--Deep green-black undulate wide leaves on slender petioles, with bright horned edges; the very short leaves overlap in irregular tostled rosettes. Tolerant of much neglect. Some customers enjoy starting this in a mossed wire topiary whereupon it gradually sticks out its meandering stolons to form writhing rosettes of foliage eventually covering the entire surface--quite wonderful, although requiring patience. This stoloniferous trick also endears this very compact plant with succulent wreath designers as well. We hope not to be accused of shameless price gouging on this guy."

11th April 2007

7th November 2008 27th September 2013 27th September 2013

  • Plants of the World Online, https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:77183831-1 , accessed 07.02.2025.
  • Flora of Mozambique Online, https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=207000 , accessed 07.02.2025.
  • Chahinian, B. Juan - The Sansevieria trifasciata varieties, Trans Terra Publishing 1986.
  • Chahinian, B. Juan - The Splendid Sansevieria, 2005.
  • Stover, Hermine - The Sansevieria Book, 1983.
  • 'Sansevieria', Journal of the International Sansevieria Society.