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Sansevieria trifasciata 'Futura'

A dwarf form of 'Laurentii' with broader leaves. This is slowly replacing 'Laurentii' commercially, it is more manageable in a pot.
Although I grow this as 'Futura' I have noted that Wisley are growing a green leaved plant under the same name, so this may in reality be 'Futura Superba', which would make more sense.
All Sansevieria trifasciata cultivars seem to be confused and there is a reckless proliferation of names. The "Futura" cultivars are all shorter than the typical species, with broader leaves. Beyond that, the names are difficult to connect to the plants with confidence.

Glasshouse Works say:

"Large beautiful "Bowl Hemp" European import with unusually wide leaves richly mottled and banded yellow. Handsome and very reliable houseplant of the first order. Originally an European import of obscure origin (although reportedly purchased in Italy initially by Tony Falco); sometimes distributed as S. gigantea. Possibly not a trifasciata sport , but probably a hybrid. Very reliable."

7th November 2008

14th September 2007 6th October 2007 7th November 2008

  • Glasshouse Works, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200028432 , accessed 11.02.2025.
  • Sanevieria Journal Online, http://www.sansevieria-online.de/ , accessed 27.01.2025.
  • Chahinian, B. Juan - The Sansevieria trifasciata varieties, Trans Terra Publishing 1986.
  • Chahinian, B. Juan - The Splendid Sansevieria, 2005.
  • Stover, Hermine - The Sansevieria Book, 1983.
  • 'Sansevieria', Journal of the International Sansevieria Society.