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Sansevieria trifasciata 'Golden Hahnii'

I got this without a name, but I think it is the original 'Golden Hahnii'. A very dwarf growing variegated plant, bright cheerful clusters of leaves.

In 'The Sansevieria trifasciata Varieties' Juan Chahinian mentions that it occurred as a sport on 'Hahnii Variegated' and adds:

"A plant patented hy Sylvan Hahn in 1953, this showy dwarf forms a low rosette of leaves recurved backwards. It shows the same growth habit as 'Hahnii', the leaves have its same shape, their stiffness is just as leathery and the surface is equally smooth. Of leaf color light cream throughout, the center area presents longitudinal dark green markings variable from leaf to leaf but averaging to a third of its width. The middle portion shows as greyish green markings due to the dark color being seen through the veiling action of the top layers of cream-yellow tissue. At times there exists one stripe on one side or even both sides of the center striping, of a solid medium green color, quite distinct from the usual trifasciata colors. The full width of the leaf is overlayed with transversal light grey bandings which extend to the yellow areas but become practically unnoticeable. the edges have, at least, a wire thin dark green line, and occasionally wider green margins which may feather out towards the center area of the leaf."

Writing in 'Exotica 3', Graf says:

"(Patent 1953), very showy plant when fully variegated; sport of hahnii with firm, broad-elliptic leathery leaves in a low rosette, grayish-green with broad crsam to golden-yellow bands alongside the margin, and more ot lesscross-banded in gray."

The patent application, filed by Sylvan Frank Hahn on August 15th 1952 (USPP 1,224) says:

"My present discovery pertains to a new variety of Sansevieria, plant. This plant in its habit of spiral or rosette form of growth is identical to the Subject of my United States Plant Patent No. 470, but the coloration of the foliage is So Singularly different that it constitutes a readily distinguishable and useful new variety. Whereas the coloration and narkings of the foliage in Plant Patent No. 470 are typically those of the Sanselieria zeylonica, my new variety posseses a golden yellow coloration in its foliage.
This new variety is a sport of Plant Patent No. 470, known in the trade as Sansevieria Hahnii. It was discovered by me in my greenhouses located in New Orleans, Louisiana. This variety has been asexually reproduced by suckers (stoloniferous rhizomes which arise from adventitious buds), by me at my greenhouses above mentioned. It reproduces true to type from suckers but will not come true when propagated from leaf cuttings.
The illustration accompanying this application gives a view looking down into the plant from above. It shows the leaf arrangement and shape as well as the typical foliage coloration as nearly as the artist can portray then, in a plant. When two years old. It must be understood, however, that there will be some variation between specimens. The relative widths of the yellow and the green bands will vary somewhat and the contrasts between these colors are more marked in some specimens.
Having thus disclosed my discovery, I claim:
A new and distinct variety of Sansevieria plant of the spiral or rosette type, substantially as shown and described, characterized particularly by its bands of golden yellow color in the leaf and its habit of faithfully reproducing this color pattern only when propagated by using suckers.

7th November 2008

  • Sanevieria Journal Online, http://www.sansevieria-online.de/ , accessed 27.01.2025.
  • Chahinian, B. Juan - The Sansevieria trifasciata varieties, Trans Terra Publishing 1986.
  • Chahinian, B. Juan - The Splendid Sansevieria, 2005.
  • Stover, Hermine - The Sansevieria Book, 1983.
  • 'Sansevieria', Journal of the International Sansevieria Society.
  • Graf, Alfred Byrd - Exotica, series.3 edition.10 , 1980.