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Sansevieria 'Hahnii Favourite'

A sturdy golden variegated dwarf. When I got it I thought it was the typical S. trifasciata'Golden Hahnii' but it looksmore like Chahinian's 'Hahnii Favourite'. I'm not entirely convinced, but it seems to be a better fit.

In 'The Sansevieria trifasciata Varieties' Juan Chahinian says:

"Closely related to 'Golden Hahnii', this plant, having originated from a giant clone of 'Hahnii', presents consistently a larger size, sturdier growth and larger and thicker leaves.
As with the former, it has a green center stripe, varying from leaf to leaf, but averaging to a third of its width. The remainder of the leaf is of yellow color except for the edges which have always wider green stripes. These are the same dark-green and medium-green color stripes. The green colors show darker, due, no doubt to the thinner layers of yellow tissue covering them and the wider green stripes at one or both edges and on the front and back side of the leaf, making this plant stand out from 'Golden Hahnii'. Light grey crossbanding faintly overlie all colors and are virtually unnoticeable.
Because of its sturdiness and size it is ยท more tolerant of overwatering and lower temperatures. Where some overwatering will not kill this plant, as with all sansevierias, it will result in unsightly spots on the leaves. Therefore, a treatment of watering and feeding like those for 'Golden Hahnii' is recommended for this plant.
This showy plant offsets freely and produces growth which is consistently true-to-type.

26th July 2006

20th September 2006 14th September 2007 7th November 2008

  • Sanevieria Journal Online, http://www.sansevieria-online.de/ , accessed 27.01.2025.
  • Chahinian, B. Juan - The Sansevieria trifasciata varieties, Trans Terra Publishing 1986.
  • Chahinian, B. Juan - The Splendid Sansevieria, 2005.
  • Stover, Hermine - The Sansevieria Book, 1983.
  • 'Sansevieria', Journal of the International Sansevieria Society.