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Tecophilaea cyanocrocus

Archive entry 20.02.11
Archive entry 29.01.12

19th February 2011

There are plenty of small growing blue flowered bulbs, so I'm not sure why this is astonishing, but it is.
I have grown (killed) it once before. It was very expensive and I greww it in a heated greenhouse because I was frightened it might die. It did.
It has taken me a long time to get around to trying again. I'm not made of money (my Mother says I'm made of slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails but that's anbother story). I bought this one last year at a significant discount when the nursery stocking them failed to sell it in flower. It has responded well this time (it isn't difficult to grow) and this year it has flowered.

29th January 2012