Urtica dioica 'Brightstone Bitch'
Archive entry 18.09.11
16th June 2006
A bright and stingy variegated nettle found by Jill Butcher and worth growing if only to attract the scorn of the ignorant and unwelcome.
28th July 2007
3rd May 2008
18th September 2011
My amusement for the year has been this planting that couples 'Brightstone Bitch' with Mentha suaveolens 'Variegata'.
They look very different, but when they mingle together they look like a single mass. You have to keep
your wits about you, it would be easy to grab a handful and take a deep smell.
7th July 2012
After a few weeks gadding about among other people's gardens I finally had a moment to get back to the weeding in my own herbaceous border. The summer growth is at its peak
and it is ruthlessly clear which plants are working and which are just conceits. I am not surprised to discover that the traditional border favourites are delivering
a reliable performance, and some of my more adventurous plantings are falling a little short of requirements.
From time to time every border needs editing with a bold disregard for previous intentions and the beginning of July is as good a time as any.
I love the idea of this variegated nettle but it reverts like mad and always looks a little underwhelming. So I was weeding away with enthusiasm, I saw it in front of me, and just kept going.
It has been fun, and I have enjoyed it but the party is over and the stragglers get turned into compost.
I am sure it will pop up again - nettles are not that easy to remove - but I am no longer saving a space for it.
I have a bold red rash along both my forearms as a parting present. It is a fair arrangement. In bed tonight I will re-itch the moment in uncomfortable technicolor.