Thats enough introduction - on with the plants!
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... out in the garden.
Slowly but surely the weather has been raining its way through evolution. We haven't got as far as raining men yet, but it has certainly rained cats and dogs!
Herbaceousness has continued to thunder through the garden in defiance, but the weather has forced me under cover a bit more than usual, and there
has been some good stuff in the greenhouse to find.
I was out on the moor this morning looking for Pinguicula lusitanica and I didn't find it, got soaked through, and trod in a bog rather deeper than expected.
On the road out I spoke to a local farmer on a quad bike, checking his fields, and amongst other things I said I didn't understand where all the rain was coming from.
"Up there" he said, and drove off!
1st July 2007
Gladiolus cardinalis .
I sowed the seed from the Alpine Garden Society in 2004, because I like to try a new Gladiolus from time to time. This is the first time it has flowered
and although I knew what to expect (although you never know quite what to expect) I was still surprised by these bright scarlet flowers. Quite delightful
and it has been no trouble to grow.
1st July 2007
Roscoea blanda .
Among the unexpected Roscoea has been this pretty little oddity.I am not convinced that it is true to name, it looks more like a form of
R.tibetica to me, but one of those cases where more research is needed. It came from one of those sources where the unpredictable is commonplace.
1st July 2007
Aspidistra patentiloba .
I am very fond of Aspidistra patentiloba. It is a good sturdy plant that flowers reliably and significantly. I have green leaved forms, spotted leaved forms
and a couple that have had cultivar names attached. This one came to me as Aspidistra lurida, a plant that is supposed to be quite common
, but it is debatable how many of them are actually Aspidistra lurida. This looks to be a better plant anyway!
1st July 2007
Clivia caulescens .
Perhaps it is something to do with the rain. It seems to have been a week of conceptual slippage. This came to me as Clivia x cyrtanthiflora
. It makes me laugh, it came from one of those nurseries that make a big song and dance about their accuracy in naming.
When it arrived it had three feet of trunk with a tuft of foliage on the top. It was very obviously Clivia caulescens
, there is nothing else like it! I was pleased enough, an old plant like this of Clivia caulescens should have cost an arm and a leg.
It has flowered when I don't have any other Clivia in flower, so it will be a case of phoning around to find some pollen.
Even I think I live in a strange world!
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much
spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.